Friday, August 29, 2008

August 24 in Ust-Kut city

Visiting pastor’s family

One lady found Jesus for the first time

Children worship at the beginning of the Sunday service

Zheleznogorsk city

Hunting mushrooms in a forest

Pastor Fred received a gift for his church

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Back to Russia

We put all of our stuff in the boxes and moved to the storage for four month. It was not easy at all to leave our family and specially our four grandsons; two of them were three weeks old babies. On August 12, we took of from Pittsburgh, PA. In 31 hour, we safely arrived to Krasnoyarsk airport in Russia. We were waiting for the next 32 hours for the first opportunity to get on train. After 18 hours traveling by train, we’ll stop in Zheleznogorsk city and have a Sunday church service. We mentioned about this church in our last newsletter. After that, we are planning traveling by our car that we brought from the States this spring. Please pray for protection on the road.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Family update

Finally, we wanted to provide a brief update on our family. We added two new members in July, when our new grandson Jonathan Michael was born to Andy and Natasha on July 15th, and our new grandson Simon Konstantinovich was born to Konstantin and Anna on July 17th – just two days apart! They are both healthy babies, and of course we are overjoyed to have four grandchildren now.

June 2008 Ecuador

The first day in Machala, we had a deficit with interpreters: one translator for five of us. And what a miracle God provided - someone who speaks Spanish and Russian in Machala Ecuador, so that they could translate for the church services from Russian to Spanish! God is God all the time!

We could see God is moving in Ecuador! We met one lady in Machala, with whom we had prayed in December of 2007. At that time she was going through deep depression: her family had relationship problems and health issues, and their financial situation was terrible. She gave us a long list with her prayer request. We prayed together, and God was faithful! All of her prayers were answered! In June of 2008, she could smile and she was waiting to give us her testimony. Every single request from her big list was covered! The Holy Spirit brought healing for that family! Their relationships were restored! Health issues were healed! Financial problems were resolved! Her adult children could continue their education! That mother was very happy and gave thanks to the Lord.

After Sunday service, we held separate teaching seminars for men and women. People’s hearts were open to hear about having right relationships in marriage, where the husband loves his wife as Christ loves His church, and where the wife respects and adores her husband as the church does for Christ.

During the last service at the Machala conference, the Holy Spirit was moving strongly and reaching many hearts. The Word came that this is a time for the church to stand up. Her time of humbling and rejection is over. This is the time for the church to carry out her vision and mission boldly, to be seen and be influential.

Our visit to another city, Salinas, was originally cancelled, but praise the Lord, He worked out our situation in Salinas. Thanks to all of you who prayed that God would arrange our schedule for Salinas. We are glad that our team was able to visit twelve churches in rural Salinas encouraging people and praying with them. We could worship with the body of Christ there. Sometimes we drove for an hour and a half to reach a small church, and after visiting, we’d return after midnight. We were tired but very excited! Many broken hearts were healed. One pastor said that the message was directly for her to stop crying and start doing something in a new way.

Also, our team had a great time in Salinas with the high school students. We gave them our testimonies about persecution in Russia. The main point was that every one has to have a goal and make decisions toward reaching that goal. We prayed with students and Holy Spirit was working mightily on them. Praise God!

During this trip, we visited a real banana farm! We could eat bananas directly off of the banana tree. Machala city is the queen of bananas - even in Russia we could buy bananas from Machala Ecuador!