Monday, December 8, 2008

Turning point

We decided to keep our vehicle in Russia instead of bringing it back to the States and pay a custom fee for using it there without restrictions. When we’ve completed all of the paper work for the custom registration in Abakan, we were told they could not finish it for us there and we must go back to Irkutsk region… It is almost a thousand miles apart! We got shocked. It was not easy to drive icy road for two days on the row, but it was worth it! God knew that our mission in Siberia for that trip wasn’t over. God had a plan! We had to meet few more people in Bratsk city and pray with them. There should be a turning point for them.

First was Anastasia. We stayed one night at her apartment and had a privilege to talk to her. Her mother is a Christian in a small village we had planted a church. Anastasia lives in a city and she is not Christian yet. She was engaged and was in a middle of preparation to get married. Her boyfriend just came back from the military. Anastasia shared with us some difficulties she was going through and was open to listen to our advices. She felt trapped. We talked to her if she would be our daughter and wished our best. Actually, she is a friend of our children and is about same age. We advised that it’s OK to reschedule her wedding day if she is not sure about her marriage at this time. It would be better to wait and to get some problem solved now than to get married and divorced right away. We prayed for that girl and lifted up to God her struggles. Anastasia just cried, she didn’t pray at that time; but we could feel release for her. Now she knew for sure she is allowed to reschedule her wedding if she’d decided to do this. She could smile after that. Few days later, Anastasia’s Mom said to us on the phone, “Praise God! God sent angels to my daughter at the right time!” Our Father God is never late and knows all our needs! All glory to Him!

The very last night in Bratsk city, we spent at Sergey and Olga’s apartment. Both of them are Christians. Sergey got saved in a prison when Yuriy ministered there in Ust-Kut city. Later Sergey got married and together with his wife has two children. They run own business. For the last couple years, their Christian life became routines. They attended church occasionally and were not satisfied what they were doing. That night was a turning point in their lives. They both re-committed their lives to God and to each other. Sergey and Olga cried and prayed for each other. They were waiting for this moment for a long time. This couple wants to serve God and bring Jesus into many lives. Praise God He is bringing people together!

We finished all the paper work for our vehicle at Bratsk custom office easily and smoothly. We left our car in Russia, and it’s waiting for us. We came back to the States after ministering there since August of 2008. We are glad to see our children again and hold grandchildren. Our Father God kept all of us safely. Thanks for all of your prayers! Thanks for serving God in many ways! May our Father God bless each of you!

By the way, we brought snow and cold weather with us from Siberia!

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Sayanogorsk city

Finally, we are back to our blog. We apologize for keeping you without updates. In Krasnoyarsk region, internet access is very poor. It works slowly and there is no way to post pictures.

Worship team

In November of 2008, we ministered again at pastor Sergey Vashchenko church in Sayanogorsk city. On Sunday we led two services. Absolutely great and powerful two church services! Praise God! Worship team was great! They know for real how to praise our God and reach out Father’s heart! God gave us His word for this church. We shared with people from our hearts about Father’s love and His searching the earth to help whose hearts are faithful to Him completely. Atmosphere was filled with Holy Spirit. This church lifted prayers up to our Father God. Two people in the morning service prayed a prayer of repentance for the first time. Two souls got found the love of God. Many people received seeds and they will grow. Many of them were glad to greet us after services and say, “Thank you from the bottom of the heart.”

People pay full attention to the message

Yuriy is preaching

Olga shares from her heart

One girl about student age said to us after evening service, “I didn’t know that our city has a wonderful church. I feel bad that many people around do not know about this. I want to know Jesus, and I want to serve Him as you do. You are a great coupe and a team. I paid attention to everything you said.” She was saying it very sincerely and seriously. It was first church service for her. She was invited for the Youth/ Young adult’s cafĂ© on Saturday evening and after that she came to the church on Sunday. Praise God! We prayed with her, and she invited Jesus as her Savior. Her name is Olga as mine (easy to remember). She was seriously about God. We want to see her again and hear from her about everything God is going in her life.

Two Olgas (one of them is just new born Christian)

City center

Beauty of mountains around the city