Saturday, February 28, 2009


Many houses built on the steep mountains

Many tunnels on the roads

Giant buildings in the valley

Monday, February 23, 2009

Coming Events in 2009

Please pray for God’s blessings on coming events in 2009:

February 26 – March 9, 2009. Ministry at different churches in three cities of Venezuela, South America: Caracas, Puerto La Cruz, and Cumana. The Conference in Foursquare Christian Center is scheduled on March 7-8th.

May 26 – 31, 2009. Leadership International conference in Columbia, South Carolina, USA. Pastors and leaders from around the world are gathering for encouragement, determination, and purpose to advance the Kingdom of God. We expect pastors from Russia to come for the first time to the Leadership International conference and are going to translate for them.

June - September 2009.
Ministry in Russia, Siberia: teaching in numerous churches; providing leadership training, marriage seminars; also, working with people addicted to drugs and alcohol.