Thursday, December 3, 2009

Leaving for the long term mission

First Thanksgiving for our grandson Simon (he is 16 month old). Our son Konstantin with his wife Anna and son is getting ready for a long trip to Russia. We are blessed parents: all of our children are serving God and performing every possible work for His kingdom.

The family got together to celebrate Thanksgiving and pray for approaching mission work. Here are our daughter Natasha with her husband Andy and son Jonathan and our nephew Maxim with his wife Galina (young couple ministered in Ukraine for about six month). Every one was excited about what is laying ahead of Konstantin and Anna.

It is a long term of mission's work in Russia and our kids are taking a lot of belongings with them.

After the prayer in the church, the worship leader was excited and gave them his tambourine to bring it back to Russia. A few years ago he ministered in Russia at about the same area, Irkutsk region.

We gave them a ride to the airport in Atlanta and enjoyed the last minutes together.

Of cause, they wanted to take even more luggage with them, but...