Saturday, September 11, 2010

Nizhny Novgorod

The city of Nizhny Novgorod is one of the oldest and the most beautiful cities of Russia. It was built in 1221, about 250 miles to the East from Moscow.

Historical down town.

Kremlin. Old city wall.

The monument of the city founder: Yuriy/ Georgy Vsevolodovich

Worship and dancing at Messianic church ...

We ministered at Messianic church at Saturday.

Pastor of the Messianic church.

We kept marriage seminar at another church on Thursday night. On Friday evening, Yuriy led a small men group of leaders and leaders-to-be (some men are with a heavy background, but God forgave and healed them). The minister from Germany (on the picture above) was invited to the same church and taught on Prophetic gifts on Saturday evening. Many people were blessed during those few days.

At this trip, we minister in three churches in the big city of Nizhny Novgorod. The people from this church are doing construction work. They are working hard on their new church building. It is a big project for them. They already keep church services in, but there is no heater system yet. Please pray for finance to come so they would get warm by the winter time. At winter time, it is cold over there.

Also, we had a privilege to visit Pastor's family (on the picture below). Russian food they prepared was delicious!

Krasnodar city and more

We spent a few days in Krasnodar region visiting Olga's relatives. The big city of Krasnodar is located on European part of Russia (an hour and a half by fly from Moscow to the South). On the picture above, you can see a square with a bus and train stations. We used a bus to go to the small cities: one of them is a city where Olga's Uncle and Grandpa live, other one - where Yuriy lived at his childhood and teen age.

We invited our young relatives to the church for the first time. After the church service, we were happy to discuss many topics and questions.

God let us to put seeds in their hearts. We believe, the seeds will grow. Praise God!

The restaurant on the water. It's nice and cool on the water during the hot summer!

Olga did not see her relatives since her childhood. Her parents brought Olga to Siberia from the very West of Russia and lived in Siberia, but Olga's relatives came to Siberia for a year or two and then moved back to the European part of Russia. At this time, tears of joy were on our eyes. especially on Grandpa's: he is pretty old and didn't even dream to see me again but God appointed this meeting for all of us. Every one shared his/her memory since that time - about 40 years ago. Also, we could pray and praise God together. What a joy is to get united again!

Olga with her Uncle and his big family.

There was a Birth Day party for his son. All the family came together for this celebration, so did we.
Olga's Uncle introduced his big family. On the picture below: his son, wife, and daughter.
We could share with some of new relatives our believes in God and our ministry. They were interested to listen. We pray for seeds to grow.

On the picture below is Yuriy staying on the ground from his childhood.
His parents house is nicely remodeled by new owners and looks beautiful.

We did not meet the owners but just neighbors. This place reminds Yuriy the time of religious persecution: search of premises for the Christian books and literature, etc. Yuriy's father was in the prison for three years for his believe in Jesus. Yuriy shared with me many stories from his memory of that time.
On the picture below, you can see is the school Yuriy attended many years ago. It is still be the school building and it's ready for the new school year!