Monday, November 15, 2010

We are back to the States

We came back to the States the second week of September after being gone for the whole summer. There are eight time zones between Moscow and New York. We flew for ten hours but it looks like we did for two: we took off at 10 AM and landed in New York around noon.

Then, we flew to Pittsburgh, PA and spent a couple days with our children Natasha and Andy and 2 years old grandson Jonathan.

We had a great time together! We could talk and play as much as we wanted.

What a joy is to be around your children and grandchildren!

Right after that, we visited the church in Brockport, NY and shared what God is doing in Russia. We got together for lunch and prayer with Pastors Don and Jane Riling, our head leaders of Leadership International.

Also, we ministered in Slavic Pentecostal church in Erie, PA. Many of Russian speaking people there were glad to hear about our ministry in Russia and that salvation came to our nation

On our way home, we stopped in Chillicothe, OH. Our other two grandsons were waiting for us for over three month, too. Being with Christopher and Caleb is always a joy for us. Four years old and 2.5 years old speak to us in Russian. Thanks to their parents for teaching them both languages. Todd and Sveta are doing a great job.

Also, we have one grandson in Russia, Simon. On November 12, Konstantin and Anna had a new baby they were waiting for – a baby girl! Finally, we got our first granddaughter! We haven’t seen her yet but we could hear her crying. We pray for the blessings upon all of our children and grandchildren. Praise God, they love each other and they love God with all of their hearts and serve Him in many ways.

So far, we got some rest after being overseas for a long time. We enjoy sleeping in our own bed. Yuriy decided to build a garage next to our house. Our little helpers came to help him! And here they are!

We took a short break and spent some time together at the Ripley's Aquarium.

Look at them having fun! Grandchildren melt our hearts!

Construction work is in progress!

Yuriy got a new challenge and new experience with an automatic garage door. He did great!

Yuriy is almost done with our garage in Knoxville, TN.

What else are we doing now?
Yuriy is doing flooring for making some money for living. Olga took a few tax preparation classes and passed a certification exam and is getting ready for the next tax season.

We participate in a home group fellowship and a Bible study. We pray for God’s leading and equipping us so we would be able to perform His wonderful work at any places He leads us to. Please continue praying for us. We appreciate everything you are doing for us and for His glory.