Saturday, December 11, 2010

Our first granddaughter

Here she is - our first granddaughter! How precious she is! As beautiful as her mommy! Dasha was born on November 12. She is one month old!

God blessed us with children and grandchildren! We have 4 grandsons and one granddaughter (so far). We love all of them very much! Praise God for His blessings!

Here they are - our Drozhzhins juniors in Russia, Siberia. Dasha was born on November 12. Simon is happy and proud of his little sister Dasha! So we are!

The temperature there already was down to -40F, but now it is up for a little bit. After experiencing -40F, Siberians would feel the temperature of +2F as up as +58F!

Thanksgiving & Christmas

Our children visited us for a few days in November. We had a great family time at Thanksgiving. The very next day after Thanksgiving, we celebrated Christmas! Why should we wait till December? Every single day could be a big celebration of our Savior Jesus! Our grandsons were happy to open gifts and share them with others. Unfortunately, on Christmas eve, we will not be able to get together. Our family celebrated Thanksgiving and Christmas at the same weekend!

Our three grandsons are riding together with grandma and grandpa to the Bounce House for fun.

Our fourth grandson couldn't come at this time: he is far away - in Siberia. Thanks to skype, we were able to see him and talk to him! He wanted to come and to have fun with all of us here.
All of our grandchildren are good helpers! Jonathan is helping with cleaning up our yard.