Saturday, June 11, 2011

Our Guests from Colombia

Our two dear friends from Bogota, Colombia visited us at the end of May. We drove to Columbus Airport to pick them up and were able to spend two days together. Our daughter Svetlana and her family opened their lovely home for us and our guests. Pastor Guillermo Parra with his church is taking care for about 2000 children in Bogota daily. It was our pleasure to serve him here in the States. His translator Savis translated for Guillermo here in the States and for us in Bogota, Colombia, a couple years ago.

Our New Grandson

Our family is growing! New grand-baby was born in March of 2011. Baby David is already 2 month old. So far, we have 6 grand children!
Natasha is a happy Mommy!

Big brother Jonathan with a baby David. Brotherly love is beautiful!

Daddy Andy is carrying his little son!

Grandma and Grandpa love their little grand baby David

Jonathan is having fun with making KOLOBOK (a big roll) in our bread machine. The roll was jumping and Jonathan was screaming - a real big excitement for about 3 years old boy!

The sunny summer days are good to go to Ash cave or to the strawberries plants.

Our boys (5 and 3 years old) picked the strawberries for the first time! Now they know that sweet strawberries come from the farms.

Christopher and Caleb are good helpers for a big project as well! Yuriy would not finish flooring without the real help from his grandchildren.
Such a great team!