Thursday, June 20, 2013

Ust-Ilimsk City

Ust-Ilimsk city is located on the big river Angara, the only river coming out of the lake Baikal.

One of four electrical power station on the river Angara

It was a school building in the past. Now it's in a poor condition. Everything needs a touch of lovely hands from the top to the bottom, starting from the roof and going down! In a future, it's going to be a Social Center for elder people, homeless, and adaptation center after rehabilitation programs.

Leaders of one of Alco rehab centers in Ust-Ilimsk, Igor & Lena

People at rehab center are learning to take care for plants and animals.

A sheep-shearing event at rehab! Igor and Lena are getting new skills!

Lena and Olga

Yuriy is riding a horse! Fun time!

Leaving area at rehab

Bible study and prayer time at another alco and drug rehab center

Spending time with leaders of this rehab

On Sunday we had a church service at church. Pastor Nikolay introduced Yuriy as his first pastor

Our prayer ministry at the end of the church service. We prayed for blessings of people and specially for marriages.

Sunday, June 9, 2013


One of Sundays we spent at church of the Holy Trinity in Zheleznogorsk city

Worship team is leading us to the the throne of God

Prayer of blessings for children

Yuriy is sharing his message to the local church

People pay full attention to Yuriy's message and testimony

Prayer of repentance of one man

Also, we enjoyed time with leaders and pastors: testimonies, prayers, and tea with delicious cake!

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Siberia, Ust-Kut City

After spending a few days in a big city of Nizhniy Novgorod, we landed in Siberian city Irkutsk.  It was a good surprise for us to find out that new aircraft AN 148 flies every day from Irkuts to Ust-Kut city. Sure, we decided to fly an hour instead of going 28 hours by train and purchased the air tickets for the very next day. We could enjoy time and pray with our friends in Irkutsk.

On May 29 we arrived to Ust-Kut city and could see a high level of water on the river Lena.

On June 1st, every city and small town has a big celebration - Celebration of Children!

Lots of activities for children at this day!  The weather was perfect and many families spent this day together with their kids.  It looks like summer came to Siberia on June 1st!

The air was warm but the ground is still cold and planting potatoes and vegetables has been rescheduled to the later time - to the next week or so.

Christian Center "Good News" in Ust-Kut city. Exterior work is already done but interior work is still in a process for a long years...

At Sunday morning church service (above) and Wednesday evening leaders training (below)

We visited a Pastor's home that is still under construction.  It's nice that a family with four children has a space for living (for many years they had a flat with a small kitchen, one bedroom, and a family room). They purchased a small house located close to the church building and are doing reconstruction work, step by step, a little by little.