Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Ust-Kut city

Ust-Kut city is located 42 km/27 mi along the river
1-3 mi wide

Hooray! We can see snow at the end of May!

Lena river is full of water after broken ice

Big celebration! Drama with live music on Saturday evening

Sunday church service: 25th anniversary of the church we planted in Ust-Kut city.

Many guest came from the churches around to celebrate God's faithfulness with us.

We enjoyed worship time together with children

Sunday, May 15, 2016

Yakutsk City

We arrived to Yakutsk airport safely, praise God! Our luggage didn't get lost at New York airport nor Moscow and arrived with us. It was a long trip: 9 hour at airplane from New York to Moscow, about 6 hr connection time and then 6.5 hr from Moscow to Yakutsk. Sure, we were tired and happy that we reached our first destination safely.

For the first time we could see a big city Yakutsk, the capital city of Sakha-Yakutia.
It's a part of Russia, up North of Siberia.

The middle of May: snow already melted down

We had a privilege to drive up to the hill and pray for the city.
Alexander and his wife Svetlana prayed with us on the top of the hill.
They moved to Yakutsk city last summer.

Marriage seminar on Saturday from 10am till almost 6pm with an hour brake for lunch. we were surprised to hear worship in two languages, Russian and Sakha.

Around 50 people participated at marriage seminar. People from four churches came together to pray  for families. It was a great opportunity for Christians to proclaim unity.

Different topics has been covered. We had time for questions/ answers.
Also, we could pray for people's needs and different situations. Holy Spirit is working with hearts to change them and bring glory to God. We strongly believe that many broken hearts and marriages will be healed and restored.

Sunday church service at small church. You can see people of different nationality:
Russian, Sakha-Yakutian, Armenian, and from New Zealand.

Pastor's family: Alexander and Svetlana with two little daughters (the youngest one was born soon after their arrival to this city. They moved about 1000 miles up North from Ust-Kut city where we planted our first church in 1991. We brought a beautiful gift for them and used it right away for community.

Yakutsk city is located on Lena river and has almost 500,000 population.
The ice got broken and we could see big pieces of ice moving down the river.