Monday, October 5, 2009

Women ministry

We continued joyful worship and dancing in the afternoon of Saturday. The women ministry was from 4:00 till 6:30 pm and then we joined to the rest of people in the main sanctuary.

Russian woman speakes in English, Venezuelian translates from English to Spanish, and Brazilian gives this message in Portuguese. Isn't cool! We need each other, sisters!

American woman speaks with translation in Spanish and Portuguese! Good team work!

Jane Riling gives her testimony and then four of us pray for the needs of the local women.

We used four prayer lines and oil to anoint each woman and to pray with all of them. We did our part and the Holy Spirit performed the main work in the spirit, souls, emotions, and bodies. Praise the Lord for His love and His divine healing touch!

On the picture below, you can see Olga with Pastor Kedma and Kedma's mother and sisters. Family members got together to worship God, to give Him praise, and to pray for the nation. Alleluia!

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