Tuesday, June 22, 2010

We are in Ust-Kut

On Monday evening, Yuriy led men ministry in the church. From this point, it was a new beginning for many of men. They prayed for new blessings in their lives and new commitment in serving our Savior Jesus

This is Sunday service on June 20th. The church baptized in the river Lena new members last Saturday and had a big celebration on Sunday morning: communion.

Pastor Dmitry with his wife Marina and we are holding bread and cups for the communion proclaiming the victory of our Lord Jesus on the cross.

Part of the Sunday service - prayer for children. Parents brought them to the church to ask blessings from our Father God. The couple on the left, Andrey and Marina, prayed for their newborn son: he is sixth son in the family! No daughters, so far. The couple in the middle prayed for their twins (so far, they have 5 daughters!) On the right, Lena is holding her baby-son. He is a real miracle. The church prayed for them and God saved lives of baby and his mother. Lena had to go far away to Irkutsk hospital: local hospital is not provided with a new medical technology. Delivery was complicated. Doctors said: "Mother and baby survived just due to the miracle" Praise God. Lena and her husband Victor have 5 children (2 daughters and 3 sons). Please continue pray for this family.

The church welcomed new members. They were baptized last Saturday.

You can see a small group of believers in a small village Niya. Yuriy ministered there on Saturday evening.

The worship group there praised the Lord from the bottom of their hearts!

Next two pictures are taken on Wednesday evening ministry: focus on family. God blessed our time together. Everyone received a fresh anointing for his/her marriage, family. Pastors of the church asked us to perform family ministry next Wednesday as well. We will do it on June 23. Please pray so God would continue to heal and stretch families.

On the picture below, Siberian garden: fresh radish and salad from the garden! Look at these smiling faces!

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