Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Belur Conference India
Christians from different areas of the State of Karnataka came for the conference. Some of them traveled by train and some by bus. One church rented a bus and brought 50 or 60 people from another border of the State and it took them 13 hours to ride! Christians in India are hungry to hear God's word and they love to worship. Joyful worship could go hours after hours without stopping. We would say there was not enough space to move, but people could even dance: the crowed was clapping and jumping together. Without air conditioners, the temperature inside of the building with a crowd over a thousand people was really high. Indians survived easily at hot temperature, but for us it was a challenge (we just came from Russia, where the temperature dropped down to 40 degree F)
In the after noon, Pastor Don and Yuriy led the men conference upstairs (on the roof of the building). The women annual conference was held in the main hall. Olga and one local woman were speakers for ladies. The Holy Spirit touched hundreds of people's hearts.
Olga and her translator Sinchana. Sinchana and her husband are Pastors in another city. She speaks fluently 5 languages! She was a huge blessing for all the people at the conference. People from different states in India speak different languages. Praise God, our translator had an ability to translate for many of them.
At the women conference: ladies are seating on the floor. All the men went up (on the roof) and left more space for women.
The church building and a tent. People could get a shadow during the day.
Lunch time! People are getting ready for a delicious meal! Every one was served a nice meal at the conference. The big team worked hard at the kitchen. Most of rice food was prepared on fire outside.
On the picture above, you can see a big line of people, but all the lines were moving fast. We were amazed of the team work of all kitchen servants.
Yuriy enjoys fellowship with pastors during the short breaks time. Some of them could speak English and share their experience with God.
People were seating everywhere... and eating lunch
We noticed that men worked hard to prepare tons of delicious rice for the big crowd. We could smell food around: they prepared it outside of the church building during the conference.
Beside the rice, potatoes were piled out, cooked and served for lunch or dinner.
We are different but we worship together to the same one Almighty God! Different cultures, different colors of skin, age, and height, and shape, and language, and so on and on. We are united through our Savior Jesus who died on the cross and rose for the salvation of all the nations.
On the picture below, we are with the local Pastor's family who hosted the conference.
Thanks God for all the blessing at the conference. We believe many seeds were planted in a good soil and will bring harvest for the Kingdom of God in His time.
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Indian Villages
Share the road with others!
It's not uncommon to see people bathing and doing laundry and dishes at the same time about the same spot
The main dish in India is rice in many varieties. India produces tons of rice. On the picture above, you can see rice and the way it has been dried: under shiny sun! The large building is a warehouse.
At hot day, it's nice to come close to the clear cool canal! People are washing their clothes and rugs here.
We had a chance to see a real life in many villages. People there are kind and open. I wasn't sure about animals and kept myself on a pretty distance.
One of thousands statures.
Reliable transportation and a source of making some money.
Right before Sunday service in one of the three villages, Pastor Solomon brought us to this beautiful family. They have a special prayer room and every Sunday Pastor Solomon comes to that place to pray together. Two brothers with their families live here together with their father and pray together! How nice to live brothers together! Their lives and home dedicated to God.
The church building is open for worship. When we came, people were worshiping God.
Pastor's wife is a worship leader. She is seating on front.
Children are peacefully sleeping while church service was delayed.
We arrived to another church, and the electricity was out. It's normal life there with electricity going on and out. The worship did NOT stop. The building was lightened up with a candle and a flash light. We were lucky to get power back in about 20 minutes.
A special prayer request for this family and a little one.
Olga is holding a four month old Pastor's baby and speaks to her in Russian. Some how, Indian baby understand Russian language. She feels love and is not crying. Olga helped her mother while we were traveling many hours by van to the conference place together.
On the picture below, a lovely family: Pastor John Paul, his beautiful wife Prama, and precious baby.
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
South of India, Repalle
The village meeting was held outside, nobody wanted to leave after 11pm, and the service was over around midnight. The sound system delivered messages in the darkness far away... for the whole village.
Pretty big crowd for the village meeting!
Youth group: the beautiful dancing
Pastors listened with a full attention and were making notes.
We had a lot of prayers for people. Pastor said later, “Many accepted Jesus as their personal Savior, some were healed, but we don’t know exactly how many."
The pastor’s family lives in this building with 52 orphanage children.
Look at children's faces! Boys and girls were happy to see and touch us!
They used all the opportunities to shake our hands!
Once we visited women’s craftsmanship learning center: The Sawing Training Center.
Women with a different background are learning how to make and decorate saris. Some of them are widows, some women were alcohol addicted and are going through rehabilitation program now.
Each of women is planning to start a small business but the training center has only a few sawing machines, so far. The leader of the Sawing Training Center mentioned that $120 - $150 needed to purchase a new sawing machine.
Over 30 women are praying for the opportunity to get sponsors for starting small business with new sawing machines.
Simple tools for painting sari.
Of cause, women have a lot of questions, especially for Olga.
At evening services, the conference hall was full.
One side for men, another for women?
Of cause, we say "Thanks" to our interpreters, they did a great job! We need each other!
And again, a full attention to the Word!
People are hungry for the Spiritual food and getting ready for a new move of the Holy Spirit.
Lunch time: everybody had been provided with good meals during 3 days of the conference. People came from the nearby towns and villages.
It is a pretty common for India to have lunch sitting on the floor.
Sure, we were trying to eat by our hands, too, but we couldn’t sit down on the floor like they could.
Olga was granted with a sari. This Pastor and his family runs an orphanage with 22 children.