Tuesday, November 1, 2011

South of India, Repalle

The village meeting was held outside, nobody wanted to leave after 11pm, and the service was over around midnight. The sound system delivered messages in the darkness far away... for the whole village.

Pretty big crowd for the village meeting!

Youth group: the beautiful dancing

Pastors listened with a full attention and were making notes.

We had a lot of prayers for people. Pastor said later, “Many accepted Jesus as their personal Savior, some were healed, but we don’t know exactly how many."

The pastor’s family lives in this building with 52 orphanage children.

Look at children's faces! Boys and girls were happy to see and touch us!
They used all the opportunities to shake our hands!

Once we visited women’s craftsmanship learning center: The Sawing Training Center.

Women with a different background are learning how to make and decorate saris. Some of them are widows, some women were alcohol addicted and are going through rehabilitation program now.

Each of women is planning to start a small business but the training center has only a few sawing machines, so far. The leader of the Sawing Training Center mentioned that $120 - $150 needed to purchase a new sawing machine.

Over 30 women are praying for the opportunity to get sponsors for starting small business with new sawing machines.

Simple tools for painting sari.

Of cause, women have a lot of questions, especially for Olga.

At evening services, the conference hall was full.

One side for men, another for women?

Of cause, we say "Thanks" to our interpreters, they did a great job! We need each other!

And again, a full attention to the Word!

People are hungry for the Spiritual food and getting ready for a new move of the Holy Spirit.

Lunch time: everybody had been provided with good meals during 3 days of the conference. People came from the nearby towns and villages.

It is a pretty common for India to have lunch sitting on the floor.

Sure, we were trying to eat by our hands, too, but we couldn’t sit down on the floor like they could.

Olga was granted with a sari. This Pastor and his family runs an orphanage with 22 children.

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