Sunday, October 16, 2011

Second Weekend at West Bengal

Two handsome boys of our friends: Sumit is 3 and a half years old and his brother Amit is almost 12 month old.

Their Nanny. Menteh accepted Jesus and doesn't worship another gods. Please pray for the restoration of her hearing. She got this problem when she was 6 years old.

Unbelievable, it's already our 10th day in India! We could see people's life style in West Bengal: it's completely different compare with Russia or the United States or any other countries. It's India with uncountable quantity of gods and goddess. People of different kind of worship live together: Muslims, Christians, and Hindus, etc.

Where is the right place and the right way to worship? - is still being the vital question. Looks like the very similar topic Jesus discussed with a Samaritan women at the very first time He met with her.

Many animals share the road with people.
School building? Looks like

On the road between villages.

On weekly basis, Palash and Natasha are doing a Bible study. We visited Lakshmikantapur second time this Saturday. Six adults, ten teenagers, and eight children song in Bengal and participated in discussions. Sometimes, their answers were correct and sometimes uncorrect. They all together tried to find the right one.

Lots of water reservoirs after rain season. It's common at this area. The water is god for growing rice as well.

This huge bowl is full of rice and water. It's going to be kept that way for 2-3 days. After that, rice would be boiled for about 20 min and dried under sun on the road shoulders. Later, rice would be peeled-off and stored. People say, the better quality of rice comes after 1-2-3 years.

Clay oven burned by rice straw!

On our way home, we made a few pictures on the road through the "window" of our auto rickshaw. Many people are outside in the late afternoon when the hot goes a little bit down.

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