Tuesday, October 11, 2011


Every morning here starts with buying fresh food needed for that coming day. Yuriy and Palash walk to the nearest Flee market place around 6:30 – 7:00 AM. Dark time accordingly is between 5:30 PM and 5:30 AM.

We have different kind of fresh fish almost every day and lots of local fruits and vegetables we never heard about.
Also, we have fresh ripe bananas. People pick them every day for the Flee market.

Our hosting family takes good care of us and Palash cooks for us delicious meal.

Our village Gopalnagar has electricity but it’s shutting down many times every single day and at night time (no any predictable schedule for energy saving plan!)

No air conditioners here with hot weather (95 F) in October and no rain! Rain season just stopped and, so far, grass and leaves are still green.


On Saturday, our friends Palash and Natasha led a small group in a nearby village Lakshmikanthapur. They rented rickshaw with a driver and took us with them (up to 10 miles to drive in 30-40 min). The road condition was so-so, but for the next day it was even worst.

Arts craft! She is using a knife to split bamboo.

Guys are making bamboo rugs.

Palash and Natasha are doing Bible study (First steps) on weekly basis.

Twenty-three adults and teenagers actively participated in discussions; kids were quietly listening.

The topic of that day was Hebr. 5: 11-14 and leaders encouraged people to read Bible every day and to grow with the Word of God.

Only a few adults are able to read due to the literacy. People at that village decided to get together during the week at homes of the “readers” and listen to.

We prayed with one lady so she would be able to read and share the Word with her family.

Rice straw for animals and for roof

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