Monday, October 10, 2011

India welcomes us

We came to Delhi airport at 3:00 in the morning! It took us 6 hours to fly from Moscow to Delhi. Our next flight was local and took only 2 hours to Calcutta airport. At 8 AM our friends Palash and Natasha met us at the airport. We were happy to see their smiling faces! People here speak Bengal but we don't. The only way to communicate - through our friends! They are glad to help us and meet our needs. They welcomed us to stay with them for 11 days so we would be able to see North Eastern India as is.

It’s HOT! Really hot! As steam sauna. It’s hard for us after ministering in Russia, especially, Siberia, for 2 month. We got adjusted to the cool weather.

We spent 2 hours of our connection time between flights in Delhi with one Russian lady nonspeaking English and helped her to go through the custom and to find a local flight to Indore city. She was happy to get help from Russian speaking people. She was traveling to India by herself for the first time (normally, she would go with her daughter or son-in-law who live in Indore, India). Ludmila went to the Orthodox Church before her trip and prayed for help on her journey. Normally, she was going to the church once a year or so. Praise God we were able to witness her about Jesus. We recommended her reading the Bible and visiting churches on regular basis. She was exited and promised to start reading New Testament right away at her daughter place. Also, she was planning to find churches and visit them (Evangelical, Baptist, or Pentecostal churches – it doesn’t matter!) That lady got very good experience with us and was ready to make a next step! Praise God! We pray so she would follow Jesus and were able to find her home church when she will be back to Russia, Kazan city.

Our friends live 50 miles from Calcutta and we drove 3 hours by car to their village Gopalnagar.
Lots of traffic on the road and lots of animals! The roads are narrow: it's not easy at all to pass any other vehicle.

This kind of road is in a big city Calcutta, and after that .... it hard to imagine.

New blocks of Calcutta
All kind of transportation share the same road

Calcutta's view

Would you like to take a ride on ricksha?

This type of transport is most reliable and usable at this area

We are heading a small village. On the picture above, you can see the rice fields.

At market place! Fresh bananas almost everywhere!

Village life style. Jungles area. People made a space capable to live in.

Clay houses with the rice straw roof are common at this area

People are collecting water at the rain season and can use it in many ways: for fish, laundry, bath, etc - multipurpose water reservoir.

Next to the clay house you can see new style of building made from the clay bricks.

The rice field as well! Rice is the most important food in India!

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