Saturday, January 7, 2012

Colombia Conference

Guayabal is a beautiful place in Colombia, located on West from the capital city. It is only about 2 hours to drive without traffic, but with traffic it took us about 4 hours during the night to come from the airport.

270 people stayed in this complex. The good meal was provided three times a day.

The theme of the conference was taken from the I Corinthians 4:20 "For the kingdom of God is not a matter of talk but of power." Many Pastors and leaders of different churches arrived with their families from the Bogota area. They were hungry for the words of God and ready to take a next step of faith.

The powerful word touched hearts and people cried out to God at the altar.

On the pictures above and below, you can see an Evangelist and a worship leader. He got blind many years ago after a gunshot and that situation brought him to Jesus. His ministry is wonderful. He helps people to came closer to the throne of God. His wife is always next to him.

The handicapped couple from the picture above serves as missionaries in Spain. The health condition didn't stop them from being active for the Kingdom of God. They serve mostly for the people with the limited ability. Also, they play wheelchair basketball.

Three days on the row, we ministered for families. God is bringing His standards into marriage relationship and family. Praise God for His work. Many marriages were going through difficult time. One couple was already separated but God healed their hearts and relationship. They cried together and hugged each other. God restored and refreshed many marriages during this conference. Praise God!

We prayed for this young couple too. We believe God makes them strong so they would be able to minister to their parents and siblings. Also, we prayed for them to have a baby.

The conference is over. People are ready to leave. Our hearts are with Colombians.

The beautiful view of the Andes mountains.

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