Wednesday, March 11, 2009


On Tuesday morning, the church “We are united” experienced over 3 hours of intensive blessings by the powerful anointing on Yuriy and Pastor Guillermo from Bogota! Approx over 300 people were there in the morning and 500 in the evening. Pastor Don shared at the evening and called the leaders of the church to get the oil and to pray for the people together with us. The big bottle of the oil has gone immediately! All the people received blessings from the Lord Almighty. Also, we had a privilege to share on the Radio station. We left our home at 5 am and came back around 11 pm. Such a blessed day!

The church has 400 rehabilitants at this time.

People are seeking for the Lord

Many people have decided to say "Yes" to the Lord.

The church service in a big tent.

We could really see that revival already began in Venezuela! The hearts of many people are open. Wednesday evening was great and powerful. I wish you could be there with us and feel it in your spirit. God is preparing great things for those whose are fully committed to Him and are fully His.

On Thursday evening, we were invited to the studio share from our lives with a small group of musicians and singers and to pray for them. It was memorable time for them and us.

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