Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Cumana Venezuela

On Friday, we traveled for 6 hours from Caracas to Cumana (we already used to spend hours and hours seating in a car). The band performed a great concert. We enjoyed a wonderful time of praise and worship. Up to a thousand people showed up for that concert. Many of them received salvation during that big event and came to the conference on Saturday and Sunday. Praise the Lord!

On Saturday, the conference started at 7 o’clock in the morning and the sanctuary was packed! Great worship and a great teaching for 6 hours on the row! The time flew unnoticeable. Everyone was blessed! The church has a TV channel and could broadcast a live TV for the city.

On Sunday, the church has three services: at 7 am, at 9 am, and at 11 am. People were leaving through one door and getting in through other door between services: at least 800 people for each service. Couple thousands of Venezuelans could see the real Russians for the first time. We had three speakers, one for the each service: one from Venezuela, other from the USA, and one from Russia. All three services were live broadcasted.

Pastor and his family

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