Friday, September 5, 2008

Severobaikalsk city

The city is located at the very north point of the lake Baikal

We had a pretty busy schedule for the last day of summer, August 31. We were main speakers on Sunday morning service in Pentecostal church in Severobaikalsk city, Buryatia. This church has around 120 people. God blessed us and those who were listening to us. The Holy Spirit touched many hearts. Pastor Anatoliy Terenya invited us to lead Sunday evening service at his church, too. We are glad that God could use us as His channels to bring His word for thirsty hearts. Many people stopped by after church service to say that they received God’s word directly for them. Many people said that because of illustration they could easily understand the main idea about our Father’s home and bringing people into His Kingdom. We prayed for many needs at that day. One person came to altar for a prayer of repentance. Praise God!

Between these two services, we ministered for the small church up to 30 people in N. Angarsk (20 miles from Severobaikalsk). People in a small town have big needs. Alcohol addiction is one of the biggest problems of this small town. Many mothers and grandmothers asked us to pray for their children and grandchildren, for their spouses. We prayed with all of them. One young lady brought up her need to have a child. She is married for a few years but because of health issue this couple doesn’t have children. We prayed with her and we believe to hear good news from them soon.

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