Sunday, September 28, 2008

Tayshet on September 28

Old Russian style of building.
Worship time with a small group in Tayshet
People's hearts were open to the message.
We came back little bit to the south of Irkutsk region. The weather here is warmer.
Look at this beautiful view! Fall picture after having a snow in Siberia.
Ministry to the people at Rehab center. Each of them went trough the difficult period of life and is trying to get back to the normal. We prayed for them. They decided to firgive others to get forgiven.
In the kitchen of Rehab center. This house was built from big logs.
The small village with Rehab center 20 miles away from the city.
Vitaliy, the leader of Rehab, with his wife Anastasia. They are expecting their baby in October.
We prayed for Zhenya's needs. She is going to the hospital.

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