Saturday, September 27, 2008

The week of September 21

This week God blessed us to minister at Drug Rehab in Bratsk city and at church in Shumilovo; also, to pray on Friday evening for children and grandchildren with Ust-Kut church. We experienced snow and cold.

We had a great time of fellowship with 12 people at Rehab. They had a chance to ask questions. We shared testimonies and prayed for their needs. After that, Yuriy preached at the small church there. The main scripture was the Gospel of John 3:14-16. The building used for the service was under reconstruction with a lot of dust. Very similar atmosphere was in many people’s hearts. They prayed for God’s help and renewal their lives, for keeping them clean and dead to the sins.

Many trees already lost their leaves.
The snow was on the ground.

It was God’s plan for us to visit Shumilovo twice. During our second visit, we finished what God called us for. We were peacemakers for that small church. Leaders could open their hearts and talk to us openly. They asked each other for forgiveness. We prayed with them. After long time of storm among people at that church, peace came into their hearts. Praise God! Please continue to pray for them: for the unity and fresh revelation from God.

Beautiful view

You can see icy water.

Friday evening is a prayer time for many churches and groups around the world. We loved to pray together at Erie, PA on 1209 State Street. We were glad to join with prayer here in Siberia on Friday evening. Christians prayed directly for their children and grandchildren. They staid for the children. The Christians set our family as a good ensample

The larch trees are ready to drop needle

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