Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Kids projects in Bogota

On Tuesday September 22, Pastor Guillermo showed to us many places where his church is taking care of kids - they call them "projects." On the photo above you can see kids staying in line to get their portion of lunch. The meal is well balanced: soup, salad, rice, and a small piece of chicken.

The church is trying to feed the kids twice a day (before the school starts and after school), but at some projects they are able to provide only one meal a day.

Pastor Guillermo has a vision for this big piece of land (the trees are on the border). His dream is to build a nice complex for kids - the orphanage - so children would have an educational center there and playgrounds. Also, he wants to plant vegetables on that land and use them for children as well. We prayed with him and blessed that land.

This project is almost done. In 1-2 month, it should be open for the kindergarten.

This is a cafeteria for kids. They come to get lunch as well as a bible class and to get their home work done. Many students have fun at this safe place.

We spent some time playing with the kids

And kids did not want us to leave.

Colombians celebrate the Valentine Day in September. The main theme of the month was: love and friendship. You can see decorations on the wall with the shape of the hearts.

This group of children was coloring the pictures.

In other room, kids would build a house and take a seat under a roof! Look at these young builders!

I was trying to communicate with girls in Russian but they could not understand me. English did not work ether. We found a few common words in Spanish plus a body language was helpful.

Other project under construction. First two levels are finished and church is working on the third level.

Pastor Don, Bill, and Yuriy prayed with Pastor Guillermo for this project to be completed in a short time. Much more finance should be involved for this project.

More construction work should be done for kids... The church has a big heart for the kids and many projects. Please pray for the money to come to fulfill the vision.

We have seen this man sleeping on the street during the day for many hours... it's sad

The church has been driving this vehicle for 31 years. It is still reliable and useful! We got a ride in this vehicle to the many projects on the very top of the hill.

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