Thursday, July 29, 2010

Bratsk city

We are happy to see this new stage. Two years ago, the small church purchased old building for rehab center. Small part of that building they use as century for the church services. We spent time with Pastor Leonid and his wife Tatyana. Young leaders were able to ask many questions and got answers during our fellowship time. They have two children.

The building is still under remodeling - reconstruction work goes slowly due to the luck of finance - but it looks better than 2 years ago!

The picture from 2008: at the beginning, before remodeling. At least, people got a place for worship. Little by little, they perform remodeling by their hands - as much as they can. Sure, during the winter time, inside of the building is cold and very cold.

The city of Bratsk is a pretty big city (about 180,000) and has a few churches at different locations. On July 25, we ministered at church of Pastor Vitaly. The anointing of the Holy Spirit was real. The people's hearts were open to receive the Word of God and to get ready for the next step and for the next level of relationship. Each of them got a word of encouragement. The team from the church just completed a program for the children camp. Over 30 kids had fun and opportunity to hear about real God Jesus Christ.

Many people came forward to confirm their desire for change in their lives and to make a visual step toward getting a strength from God so they would be able to keep their promises. Psalms 29:11 "The LORD will give strength to His people; The LORD will bless His people with peace." We could see this combination of strength and peace. God gives us strength and peace and makes us able to use this strength for bringing peace. We prayed on Psalm 29:11. The city of Bratsk should become the city of brotherly love!

Pastor Vitaly during the church service and at home with his family.

City view: Bratsk city

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Orphanage ministry

We had a privilege to show our love to the children in the orphanage. We brought our hearts and prepared a Bible lesson. For children it was a big event, celebration. Together, we song Christian songs, played many games, and had fun! We celebrated Anton’s birthday. Anton got a soccer ball for his 15th birthday gift. The other soccer ball got a boy’s group. The girl’s group received volleyball. For the group of small children we prepared a box of puzzles. Also, every one of 41 kids who was in the orphanage on July 20th received a gift. Our team here in the city was able to present God’s love to many children. Together with you, we could make it! Thank you! Praise God!

The Bible lesson on the topic from Genesis 13:8 "So Abram said to Lot, "Please let there be no strife between you and me"

Fun games with disposable dishes started. One plate was holding by 2 forks... It wasn't easy task!

Anton enjoyed his birth day gift - soccer ball

We were singing songs together!

Next level of fun games! Running with 2 plates and cups...

Each step was more complicated! On the top of plates and cups was one fork! Good job guys!

Team game: Siam's twins. Take a ball from the floor and put it into hands of any one of your team. Hard work!

Now it's time for gifts. Look at kids! Each of them is eager to get one!

For this group of girls was not easy to make decision which one to pick... We just repeated with them our verse from Genesis 13:8 "Let there be no strife between you and me" and should put it into practice!

Each child received a gift and was happy! It was a good surprise for them! May God bless all children! Please pray for them.

You can see some gifts. We made a picture of them before going to the orphanage.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Village Markovo

Only a few Christians came for worship this Sunday but we prayed and believe that the Light of God will shine over darkness and many sinners will find their Savior Jesus soon.

Children worship.

Children in Sunday school have a good time of learning.
The oil tanker on the river Lena. Everything to the North part of the region comes by the river during the summer. What about the winter time? It’s a good question!

More pictures from the village... a bridge... many empty houses in this village... there is no job...

Small churches

The nature of Siberia is always beautiful!
The road condition was really difficult

Worship time in a small town

Pastor Alexey and Dasha with their three sons

Pastor Alexey is pastor of two small churches. The distance between town and village is 25 miles. It takes about an hour by car. We ministered in one church in the morning and then right away drove to another.

Foundation for the church building is in a process of construction

People from the small village were happy and blessed to have us; so were we. Fresh word and anointing of the Holy Spirit were real. We got together for the second time during the week. Our teaching on family relationship was actual and needed.

Vegetable garden in Siberia. People plant and grow all kind of veges. The warm summer time here is short. Sometimes, the temperature is high, up to 97 during the hot day!

It’s normal for a village to get together and take a seat outside on the bench. We remember this girl from her teen age. She was in the Christian children camp on the lake Baikal when we just started camp. Now, she is a mother of two children and has a good memory of our time together on the lake Baikal. We talked and talked and talked… Her two week old baby-girl was peacefully sleeping.

Delicious fresh vegetables for salad!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Building a bridge

Sunday, 4 of July. Beautiful church service. We built a bridge between churches of different denominations. Two churches in the city were working separately for a few years. Now, they are willing to work together. United, churches would be able to prepare a big event against narcotics (both of them have rehabs for drug and alcohol addicted people)

Yuriy is sharing his message and people are paying full attention.

Communion... Bread and a cup. Jesus is our Savior!

One person decided to follow Jesus and prayed a prayer of repentant. Jesus saves people today!

Pastor Viktor with his wife and 2 children

The guitar player. His life is a miracle. God saved him. He was alcoholic and had no place to live, he lived somewhere outside. At Siberian winter! He was terrible sick. Plus, he lost all of his documents: ID, insurance policy, etc. The ambulance helped him a few times and then gave up: no way to help him, he'll die shortly at any way. His skin with meat was getting a part from the bones (especially, on his fingers) and ... and... Finally, he got a spot at rehab. Also, he got a lovely care there and he survive! Praise God! He got saved twice! From the real physical death and from the real spiritual death! He found his Savior Jesus and new life. In the past, he was musician. Now, he is back - he is playing guitar. God healed him and gave him new beginning. Praise God!

On the picture below, we are after the church service. The girl from the worship team is getting married this week.