Saturday, July 3, 2010

Youth festival

Youth festival in Ust-Ilimsk city! Big celebration on last weekend of June! Young adults came from other cities and villages to celebrate freedom in Jesus! Many of them were drug addicted in the past and had their testimonies. They invited friends who are still addicted so they could hear GOOD News. The topic for this conference was taken from the Gospel of John 8: 32 "Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.

Olga shared her message on John 8:31-32. First, Jesus told to His BELIEVERS. We should make first step: believe! Second, we should become His discipels and study His teaching willingly every day. THEN we will know the truth, AND the truth will set us FREE! We should willingly make step by step. Olga was holding thread and called for the prayer. It was a symbol to make a step to break a cycle.

Yuriy was a main speaker on Sunday. His teaching touched many hearts. Many young adults came forward for prayer. They really want to be free and perform work for the Kingdom of God!

Prayer at the altar.

Pastor from this church. Pastor Nikolay has group of small churches and group of rehabs. He has a big vision for churches in Russia.

The remodeled building of this church. It was under construction for about 3 years. Finally, they had first Sunday service in this building. Praise the Lord! Previous used building was too small to fit all the people.

Ust-Ilimsk city.

Rehab center in Ust-Ilimsk. It's ALCO center for the alcohol addicted people. Rehab has tractor and animals. People are learning to take care for animals and plants.

Leaders from small churches visited rehab after Sunday service. On the picture below, Igor and Lena with their new-born baby son. They got free from alco addiction, got married and are serving at this Alco-center. They are good leaders. They really know what they are doing. They are helping others. Today, they are happy parents!

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