Thursday, July 22, 2010

Orphanage ministry

We had a privilege to show our love to the children in the orphanage. We brought our hearts and prepared a Bible lesson. For children it was a big event, celebration. Together, we song Christian songs, played many games, and had fun! We celebrated Anton’s birthday. Anton got a soccer ball for his 15th birthday gift. The other soccer ball got a boy’s group. The girl’s group received volleyball. For the group of small children we prepared a box of puzzles. Also, every one of 41 kids who was in the orphanage on July 20th received a gift. Our team here in the city was able to present God’s love to many children. Together with you, we could make it! Thank you! Praise God!

The Bible lesson on the topic from Genesis 13:8 "So Abram said to Lot, "Please let there be no strife between you and me"

Fun games with disposable dishes started. One plate was holding by 2 forks... It wasn't easy task!

Anton enjoyed his birth day gift - soccer ball

We were singing songs together!

Next level of fun games! Running with 2 plates and cups...

Each step was more complicated! On the top of plates and cups was one fork! Good job guys!

Team game: Siam's twins. Take a ball from the floor and put it into hands of any one of your team. Hard work!

Now it's time for gifts. Look at kids! Each of them is eager to get one!

For this group of girls was not easy to make decision which one to pick... We just repeated with them our verse from Genesis 13:8 "Let there be no strife between you and me" and should put it into practice!

Each child received a gift and was happy! It was a good surprise for them! May God bless all children! Please pray for them.

You can see some gifts. We made a picture of them before going to the orphanage.

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