Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Building a bridge

Sunday, 4 of July. Beautiful church service. We built a bridge between churches of different denominations. Two churches in the city were working separately for a few years. Now, they are willing to work together. United, churches would be able to prepare a big event against narcotics (both of them have rehabs for drug and alcohol addicted people)

Yuriy is sharing his message and people are paying full attention.

Communion... Bread and a cup. Jesus is our Savior!

One person decided to follow Jesus and prayed a prayer of repentant. Jesus saves people today!

Pastor Viktor with his wife and 2 children

The guitar player. His life is a miracle. God saved him. He was alcoholic and had no place to live, he lived somewhere outside. At Siberian winter! He was terrible sick. Plus, he lost all of his documents: ID, insurance policy, etc. The ambulance helped him a few times and then gave up: no way to help him, he'll die shortly at any way. His skin with meat was getting a part from the bones (especially, on his fingers) and ... and... Finally, he got a spot at rehab. Also, he got a lovely care there and he survive! Praise God! He got saved twice! From the real physical death and from the real spiritual death! He found his Savior Jesus and new life. In the past, he was musician. Now, he is back - he is playing guitar. God healed him and gave him new beginning. Praise God!

On the picture below, we are after the church service. The girl from the worship team is getting married this week.

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