Tuesday, September 13, 2011


With this boat we reached Kirensk in 5 hours.

Kirensk! Praise God we could make our trip to Kirensk!
We were dreaming and praying for the opportunity to minister on that land! That place is hard to reach: no reliable transportation, no bus, no train. The only way to go from Ust-Kut by boat a couple times a week (there could be cancellation due to the weather condition or to the boat condition). We were planning to go one Friday by boat at 4:00 pm but that schedule had been changed on that day due to the weather condition: the boat left at 3:00 pm. We arrived to the River station after 3:00 pm and it was too late! We should wait till the next Friday!

The train station is across the River station. We decided to change our direction and go by train to other small village - the train was ready to leave in 2 min. We made it! We ministered in 2 small villages during the week.
Next week, finally, we came to Kirensk, by boat, then we used ferry. The spiritual atmosphere was heavy: suicide, sexual abuse, alcohol and drugs, and ... One missionary family from Ust-Kut city came to Kirens a year ago and planted a church in Kirensk. They have a small group and are taiking care for people's needs. They were happy to have us with them for a few days! We glad that could come to Kirensk and pray there.

On our way back, we waited for a boat from 9:00 am till 11:00 am due to fog. It was cold: the temperature outside was 27 F (-3C), frost. We got cold waiting outside for more than 2 hours.

The beautiful view on river Lena. We were going from Ust-Kut city to Kirensk down the river 5 hours by boat

People there have kitchen gardens and they grow chicken. A few fresh eggs every day! It's nice to have some food when there is no food delivery due to the river condition.

We are with Pastors family. Anatoly and Katerina have 3 children-students. Their elementary school is a pretty close to their house (about 10-15 min by foot). The High school is located on the other side of the river. There is a problem with a ferry in October and May.

Welcome to Kirensk!
The view of Kirensk from the top: two rivers come together at Kirensk city (Lena and Kirenga). Kirenga cares her water extremely fast! You can see an island.

Kirensk is old city with only a few Christians.

Picture with a small group of new Christians. Recently they baptized 4 new Christians.

Prayer time
Anatoly and Katerina came to Kirensk a year ago. This is their prayer place where they together with new Christians pray for the city. From this point, from a small hill they can see the city.

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