Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Nizhny Novgorod

Five hours by flight from Krasnoyarsk city to Moscow and 7 hours by train to Nizhny Novgorod. Our friend met us at the train station around 11 PM and brought to his home. We stay here for about 2 weeks.

Nizhny Novgorod is one of the three biggest cities in Russia. The majority of the people live in 5-9 story apartment buildings and most all use public transportation. Most people have a private phone line, cell phones, and access to the Internet. Nizhny Novgorod preserved a great deal of historic treasures and was included by UNESCO into the list of the 100 cities in the world reflecting the heritage of the world culture. With its 14 universities and approximately 100 research institutions, Nizhny Novgorod is one of the key scientific centers of Europe.

Last Saturday we ministered at Messianic church: they are renting a conference room at the hotel. Pastor Evgeny knows us from the last year and invited us this year. Some people remember us and were glad to hear fresh God'd word again. We prayed blessings for Russia and Israil.

Pastor Evgeny from Messianic church

On Sunday, we ministered at Pentacostal church. On the picture above, we can see a team of evengelism: they just came from a small village and gave their testimonies. Each of them was excited about what was done. Everyone was happy that he/she participated and could see many people who were hungry for God. They brought the word of salvation and healing.

The church building is under construction: it's almost done. On the picture belowe, we can see the same room a year ago: no windows yet, etc. A big progress compare with the last year! In a couple month, the church is planning to finish and dedicate their building to the Lord!

The church building from the outside. It's still under construction. Praise God, they have their own building and a place for worship! Many other churches do not have their own building and are experiencing huge problems with renting...

The city of Nizhny Novgorod has its own Kremlin! We visited it this year as well.

The view where two rivers come together: Volga and Oka. This place is called Strelka.
In previous centuries, Nizhny Novgorod was a commercial center of Russia, located at the strategic confluence of the Oka and Volga rivers. There was an old phrase: "Moscow is Russia's heart, St. Petersburg its head, and Nizhny Novgorod its pocket." Today, Nizhny Novgorod is one of the chief industrial cities of the Russian Federation.

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