Monday, September 19, 2011


On the background is a banner for the street evangelism: Young people for God. Ust-Kut church had a big event for Christ, for the healthy life style, against drugs and alcohol.

Last days in Ust-Kut, Irkutsk region... Our family and friends with us on the train station

Wishing us a safe trip. We are going to the West and heading Krasnoyarsk city.

With Konstantin and Anya's family!

Kids are growing fast! Grandchildren are growing even faster!

Dasha is already 10 month! She walks preatty well.

Happy grandparents! We enjoy our short time with children and grandchildren!

So far, we had a privilege to minister in two churches in Ust-Kut city. For the first time, pastors from those two churches got together and prayed together! Praise God! It's a good sign for us. We prayed for the unity between pastors.

From the very top, we could see and bless our city again. We planted our first church here back to 1991. The top of the hill was our prayer room for the city for many years.

The beautiful view of the city from the hill

Yuriy & Olga on the rocky top!

The middle of September... The color of leaves had been changed from green to yellow.
The temperature in the morning up to 35-40 F (+3, +6 C) and a little bit higher during the day

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi there. Beautiful pictures. Reminded me of the wonderfull time we spent there in 1994 for evangelism. I would love to contact you again. I was the young Irish guy (and still am!!!). e-mail