Sunday, October 16, 2011

Second Weekend at West Bengal

Two handsome boys of our friends: Sumit is 3 and a half years old and his brother Amit is almost 12 month old.

Their Nanny. Menteh accepted Jesus and doesn't worship another gods. Please pray for the restoration of her hearing. She got this problem when she was 6 years old.

Unbelievable, it's already our 10th day in India! We could see people's life style in West Bengal: it's completely different compare with Russia or the United States or any other countries. It's India with uncountable quantity of gods and goddess. People of different kind of worship live together: Muslims, Christians, and Hindus, etc.

Where is the right place and the right way to worship? - is still being the vital question. Looks like the very similar topic Jesus discussed with a Samaritan women at the very first time He met with her.

Many animals share the road with people.
School building? Looks like

On the road between villages.

On weekly basis, Palash and Natasha are doing a Bible study. We visited Lakshmikantapur second time this Saturday. Six adults, ten teenagers, and eight children song in Bengal and participated in discussions. Sometimes, their answers were correct and sometimes uncorrect. They all together tried to find the right one.

Lots of water reservoirs after rain season. It's common at this area. The water is god for growing rice as well.

This huge bowl is full of rice and water. It's going to be kept that way for 2-3 days. After that, rice would be boiled for about 20 min and dried under sun on the road shoulders. Later, rice would be peeled-off and stored. People say, the better quality of rice comes after 1-2-3 years.

Clay oven burned by rice straw!

On our way home, we made a few pictures on the road through the "window" of our auto rickshaw. Many people are outside in the late afternoon when the hot goes a little bit down.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Khari Mahamaya

During the week, we visited another village Khari Mahamaya.
On our way we made a few picture that could be interested for you as well.

People here are making a natural fuel and later they can use it for cooking meals. Look at the walls and on the trees! What is that? Can you guess? I think you are right - a well known old method.... In the very similar way it could be used at the Old Testament time. Do you remember Ezekiel? See the pictures above and below!

The view through the "windows" of rickshaw!

On the left side of the road you can find a kilometer post. Do you see it?
On the picture below is a coconut palm. Fresh fruits are growing here a year around.

One of the Christian ladies wanted to bring Gospel to her relatives. She got married and lives with her husband relatives. Her parents passed away a long time ago. One day, she invited Palash and Natasha to visit her Father’s home and to share the Gospel with a huge number of her relatives at that village. Thursday had been assigned for this purpose.

Palash and Natasha rented rickshaw. That lady with her daughter joined our company when rickshaw passed her village. We could get a fresh air riding a rickshaw. Normally, the weather here is hot and NO wind at all. Many villages at this area are still experiencing power outage and the hand fens only are available so far.

Many people from nearby homes got together at one spot outside of the buildings (approx. 50 adults and 30 children).

Natasha used the big cube “Evangelism explosion” as illustration and Palash told the story in Bengal.
As result, 19 adults (including 2 men) invited Jesus into their hearts as their Savior. See the picture above: the prayer of repentance and inviting Jesus as a Savior!

The young family (husband and wife) accepted Jesus at that day and their father! This couple lost their first born baby boy. They have a second baby boy 1.5 month old and are afraid to lose him. Look at their little boy with the threads on his hands and legs (signs for protection…). Praise God, all of them accepted Jesus and now have salvation and protection!


On Sunday October 9th, we visited another village, Balarampur. It's about 35-40 min to drive by rickshaw. The road was really bad! We jumped and jumped. Lots of people were walking and lots of cows were resting on the road in the afternoon!

The Bible study with the home group leaders had been scheduled at 3:00PM. We arrived to the St. Mary Church building and got surprise of the large gathering of people. Shortly, Palash and Natasha found that Baptist church from the nearby village rented same building for their celebration at the same time of our Bible study. OK, we got invited and joined that celebration and rescheduled our Bible study for Tuesday.

Youth group gave testimonies and dances

Palash gave his testimony and shared with people about his ministry: Bible study on the home group base

We prayed for people's needs. The girl was sick and her Mom asked us to pray for her healing. Another lady had scary dreams and we prayed for her as well.

The road we took that day....
Wow! How could they tie it?

Next Tuesday afternoon, as we promised, we came to that village again. Natasha is making a bell noise to invite people to the church!

Nine adults got involved in discussions. A few children of school age participated as well.

Children are attending school and are able to read. Many adults cannot read. Even some of home leaders couldn't read and were glad to accept help of children. The girl on the picture above feels better (we prayed for her health last Sunday)

Her mother are able to read! She was active in discussions!

Our mobile team on the road! Palash is making picture of us.

And again same quality road on our way back! No complains! We just telling you about the life as is.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

East Gopalnagar

Finally, we can post our pictures from the village of Gopalnagar where we stay with our friends Palash and Natasha. Palash was born here. He got married Russian girl and brought her to his home land. Later, they rebuilt their house. Now it looks large and nice.

There is a house of our friends in Gopalnagar.

The view of their house from the neighbor's side. On the very top of the wall, the writing says in Russian and Bengal: Mission "The Light of Christ"

We are lucky, we have a private room on the second floor. Our hosting family has a room on the first floor. Also, they have kitchen and indoor bathroom (shower and toilet bowl - unusually for this area). On the picture above, you can see our "neighbor" on the wall!

Yuriy is working on computer (internet access is available)

The beautiful view from the roof of our building

Many Palash's relatives live at this neighborhood.

October 11th - national celebration and worship to Hindi's goddess of success and prosperity - goddess Lakshmi. This tent was made in front of our entrance. People celebrated all night long! We could see many similar idols across the country.

Also, on our arrival day, people in India celebrated their goddess Durga with 10 arms and 10 areas of responsibilities.

Street celebration = parade!

Below, one more picture of the beauty of Indian village!


Every morning here starts with buying fresh food needed for that coming day. Yuriy and Palash walk to the nearest Flee market place around 6:30 – 7:00 AM. Dark time accordingly is between 5:30 PM and 5:30 AM.

We have different kind of fresh fish almost every day and lots of local fruits and vegetables we never heard about.
Also, we have fresh ripe bananas. People pick them every day for the Flee market.

Our hosting family takes good care of us and Palash cooks for us delicious meal.

Our village Gopalnagar has electricity but it’s shutting down many times every single day and at night time (no any predictable schedule for energy saving plan!)

No air conditioners here with hot weather (95 F) in October and no rain! Rain season just stopped and, so far, grass and leaves are still green.


On Saturday, our friends Palash and Natasha led a small group in a nearby village Lakshmikanthapur. They rented rickshaw with a driver and took us with them (up to 10 miles to drive in 30-40 min). The road condition was so-so, but for the next day it was even worst.

Arts craft! She is using a knife to split bamboo.

Guys are making bamboo rugs.

Palash and Natasha are doing Bible study (First steps) on weekly basis.

Twenty-three adults and teenagers actively participated in discussions; kids were quietly listening.

The topic of that day was Hebr. 5: 11-14 and leaders encouraged people to read Bible every day and to grow with the Word of God.

Only a few adults are able to read due to the literacy. People at that village decided to get together during the week at homes of the “readers” and listen to.

We prayed with one lady so she would be able to read and share the Word with her family.

Rice straw for animals and for roof