Thursday, June 25, 2009

Back to Russia

On June 21st, we took a flight from Pittsburg, PA to JFK, New York. Then, after 9 hours in the air, we landed in the capital city of Russia, Moscow. Four hours connection time in Moscow, and then 5 hours in the air again. We arrived safely to Irkutsk at 5:20 in the morning on June 23rd (local time here is 13 time zones ahead of our Easter Time).

Our friend Yuriy met us at the airport and brought us to his home. On the way home, we stopped at the Train station and purchased tickets to Ust-ilimsk city (27 hours by train).

Also, we met our friend Tatiana at the train station and invited her with us. She just came to Irkutsk by train (28 hours from a small village Magistralny) for a training program. God brought us together and we spent few hours in fellowship and prayer.

Irkutsk city

Same day, a young couple Tamara and Dmitry came to visit us. They are good friends of our children and wanted to hear more about them. Tamara is pregnant and has some problems with her pregnancy. We offered to pray for them and for their baby and parents-to be responded with a joy. So far, they do not attend any church.

We are so glad that God is using us to serve a young generation. We visited Masha with her 9 months old daughter Dasha (Masha’s husband works during the week). We had a great time of fellowship and prayer. Masha lives in a big city Irkutsk, but originally she is from a small village Magistralny. In 1996, we planted a church in that village, and Masha attended the church together with our children (she was about 12 years old at that time). Masha came to Irkutsk city to get an education. She finished university and now stays at home as a full time Mom. We advised her to get connected with young adults at the church. Masha and we are glad that God arranged this time for us to get together.

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