Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Leadership International Conference in Columbia SC

Many invitations had been sent out for the conference, but not all leaders could get visas. Delegates from Kenya, Uganda, India, Russia, Scotland, USA, Canada, and Colombia came to share what God is doing in their countries and to receive a fresh anointing for a great harvest. A local church posted all the services on the web.

For the first time, one pastor from Russia (fifth from the right) participated in the Leadership International conference (other four couldn’t make it). We performed translation for him: English-Russian and Russian-English.

International delegates from around the world.

The team of International Directors

Our son Konstantin and his wife Anna are sharing their call of God

Worship team from a local church "International Family Church" in Columbia, SC

We had a chance to show a Power Point presentation about our ministry in Siberia, Russia. Yuriy shared a sermon.

Team from Africa

Team from India

Olga spoke at ladies’ session.

Great time of worship

Yuriy & Olga with Pastor Isaac Daniel (new International Director for India)

Ernest and Atiya opened their lovely home and hearts for us. Thanks a lot!
Our grandson Simon was the youngest delegate at this conference.

Ordination Service. Rajeev and Becky Edwards of Charleston were ordained on May 31. They will pastor as new church is being birthed in Charleston.

Prayer for the Edwards

Youth group performed a song with a drama

People from a local church at Sunday service. Look at their nice national clothes!

Our grandson Simon has a good company (good care). He is in good hands!

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