Monday, June 29, 2009

Spirit of Unity

God brought many pastors from the North of Irkutsk region to the conference in Ust-Ilimsk city. The young adults and youth came from different places. Leaders of Rehabs centers came together with rehabilitants. The Holy Spirit touched the hearts of many people. The theme of the conference was: “Speak God’s words into your life.” Young generation received a vision from God for their future. God has planes and future for them and wants to show His glory through young generation. We could see and feel the spirit of unity among Christians.
We could hear many testimonies. People shared that since last time when we were in Ust-Ilimsk in 2008, many prayers are answered. Some people got healed. Few women became pregnant even their doctors told them there is no way to have a baby. Our Father God healed and sblessed marriages and relationship. Isn’t great? Praise the Lord! He knows our needs and is ready to bless us in many ways. May God bless you and your family!

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